Home / Women's Shoes / One of the most awesome versions of Gucc’s classic Tuscan fur flip flops… the shape is ver

One of the most awesome versions of Gucc’s classic Tuscan fur flip flops… the shape is ver

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    One of the most awesome versions of Gucc’s classic Tuscan fur flip flops… the shape is very, very correct, the toe is slender and elegant, and the calf leather is particularly awesome! It has a very oily feel. Tuscan wool is strictly controlled in terms of coat color, hair length, density and thickness. The shape of the hair that opens up after you step on it is particularly beautiful, and it doesn’t fray at all. Fabric: Black original version Customized imported top calfskin wool: Top Italian Tuscan wool Lining: Top mixed breed sheep Outsole: Italian imported genuine leather Outsole Hardware: Original 1:1 developed retro copper buckle, outsole copper nails Color: black, milk tea color ( Milk tea will be released later) Code number: 35-36-37-38-39-40 Note that this wool is purely imported from Tuscany, Italy, with straight hair, not the domestic high-quality wool. The wool has a special source, so this style There are two disadvantages. Each pair of wool will be slightly different. It is impossible for every pair of shoes to be exactly the same. There is also a replenishment cycle that will be slightly longer than normal for other models. If there is a code break, do not rush for an order.
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