The large size FENDI PEEKABOO ISEEU medium handbag 2023SS new model is shipped, and the fi
The large size FENDI PEEKABOO ISEEU medium handbag 2023SS new model is shipped, and the fi
566 sold
DetailThe large size FENDI PEEKABOO ISEEU medium handbag 2023SS new model is shipped, and the first Iconic Peekaboo ISeeU medium handbag is in stock, handmade leather weaving. Signature twist lock accents the sides. Lined in tonal soft leather, the exterior features two compartments separated by a rigid divider, a removable interior pocket and gold-tone hardware. Featuring handles and an adjustable and removable shoulder strap, it can be carried by hand or over the shoulder. Size: 33.525.513cm
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